L2 Walker OOG & IG (How to Setup for Noobs) (2025)

Ok i see mostly everybody is having trouble with getting the Walker to Work so im going to do a guide which will explain everything. i just started using walker last week and so far in tested OOG and now im using IG. (I heard IG is better cause it bypasses GG) OOG sends a huge packet to ncsoft i believe(or so ive heard) well lets get down to business.

First Off ill work my way out then i will go in so here in the Guide for OOG Walker

You Will Need:(and download your selves)
L2 Walker OOG & IG (How to Setup for Noobs) (1)
(NOTE: You Will need WinRaR to extract these files. To Download winrar goto L2 Walker OOG & IG (How to Setup for Noobs) (2))

1.) Create a Folder Anywhere on Computer, where ever you like, naming it what ever you like. just so you know where it is.

2.) Then Create 2 folders in there 1 Called Downloaded and 1 Called Installed so you dont get confused.

3.) Download all the file to the downloaded folder you just created.

4.) First Extract the eWalker10.7.4.rar to the installed folder.

5.) Next Extract L2asrv051.rar to the installed Folder.

6.) Next Extract the maps.rar to the Walker Folder. Then extract the file from L2infoA.rar to the same place. Now You can Move on the the config portion of this guide.

7.) Now Goto Your Hosts file if you dont know where it is well you shouldnt be playing on private servers or using Walker but this time ill tell you where it is.
(C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts <- Right Click goto Open in Notepad)


# Copyright &#40;c&#41; 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments &#40;such as these&#41; may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example&#58; # # * * * * * rhino.acme.com * * * * *# source server # * * * * * x.acme.com * * * * * * *# x client host # * localhost * vip1.towalker.com * vip2.towalker.com * vip3.towalker.com * vip4.towalker.com * vip5.towalker.com * vip6.towalker.com * vip7.towalker.com

8.) Next Goto Your folder installed folder where you put walker. and open up the set.ini file you need to change a number in there. So under the USA Section You will see Code:

Change it to Code:

Now Save the File and Close it Make Sure you saved the file.

9.) Now Goto Your L2asrv Folder Then Run the l2asrv.exe Then after you ran the exe goto the Walker Folder

9.) When you are back in your walker folder, Run the L2walker.exe now when the program opens up make sure on the top left of the walker program that the Drop Box Section Says USA, and then setup the server you want to connect to and the character, for now you can select manual for char selection so you know which number char you are on. Enter in your id and password and you are logged into OOG Walker.

Any Questions about OOG walker post it here. ill be glad to answer to my knowledge.

------------- End of Tutorial OOG Walker 10.7.4 -----------

Now for The IG Walker 1.7.6 this one i currently use no problems what so ever works smoothly. Well here we go, there is not much of a difference than OOG Walker Setup.
BTW i found out that when i had the 1.7.6 in my l2 folder from what another guide told me, when i went to try to login it sayed hacking device found. so Follow this Guide and you wont have no problems and you will get it working correctly. Im going to tell you the way i have it setup exactly.

(Note: To Use IG Walker You have be running L2 in Windowed Mode. to setup windows up if you like before you begin this guide. Run LineageII and when you get to the login window press and hold Ctrl then tap enter (not no little tap press the key) and your game will be in windows mode now you can close the game and when you startup the game with the walker it should still be in windowed mode. if not repeat the step.

You Will Need: (and download your selves)
L2 Walker OOG & IG (How to Setup for Noobs) (3)

1.) Create a Folder anywhere on your computer not near lineage II. name it what ever you like just so you know what is the contents inside

2.) Download the Files From the bottom of this post.

3.) Extract Both RaR files to the Folder, This part gets tricky in order for the IG Walker to work you have to have the file L2W_VSE.exe in a certain spot or else it wont work you might get something like this Code:
Unknown parameter: and
Unknown parameter: Settings&#092;Admin&#092;Desktop&#092;L2W_VSE.exe"
Unknown parameter:

Dont Worry there is nothing wrong with the file, For Now Close the exe file. Now Take the File and move it to C Drive (Open up my computer and click on C:/ and drop the file right in the C:/ Folder)

4.) Now Just for Test, Run the file to see if you get that error if You still getting the error try moving it around abit until when you open up the l2w_sve.exe file it will just be a blank screen. when you do get it working close out the program.

5.) Now You Must Edit Your host file, This is what i have and it works so you guys should use this cause ive been using IG Walker for almost a week and have had no problems what so ever..

So Open Up Your hosts file if you dont know where it is well you shouldnt be playing on private servers or using Walker but this time ill tell you where it is.
(C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts <- Right Click goto Open in Notepad)


Should Look Like This Code&#58;# Copyright &#40;c&#41; 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments &#40;such as these&#41; may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example&#58; # # * * * * * rhino.acme.com * * * * *# source server # * * * * * x.acme.com * * * * * * *# x client host # * localhost * vip.tt2xz.com * vip1.tt2xz.com * vip2.tt2xz.com * vip3.tt2xz.com * vip4.tt2xz.com * vip5.tt2xz.com * vip6.tt2xz.com * vip7.tt2xz.com * vip1.towalker.com * vip2.towalker.com * vip3.towalker.com

6.) Ok Now Most of the Config is complete just a little bit more to go before you start walkering.

7.) Now You should still have the area opened where you found a place to add the L2W_SVE.exe and have it work with no param errors. run the file and When the file Pops up it should say "5001,4" Click the Start Button. Wait You are not ready to begin. Next Goto the folder you created earlier with the IG Walker files. Now Run the L2Walker.exe then goto step 8.

8.) Once you opened the exe you see where it says PATH. Click the Folder to the right of that box. and make Sure.. Please So you dont take the chance of getting caught Please Dont Make the path goto the LineageII.exe folder in the main L2 Folder... MAKE THE PATH GOTO ex(C:/Program Files/Lineage II/System/l2.exe) You see where it is in bold just a little before this text. Make sure you make the path going there.

9.) After You have done that and you make sure that the path is leading to the "System/L2.exe" file then you may proceed and click run. (Ok before you login make sure you are running the game in Windowed Mode as i stated above in the description of this Guide. if you by happened to not read well ill say it 1 more time.

Before You Login Hold Down the Alt Key and Press Enter (Or Control + Enter)

Now after you are in windowed mode you may login and begin botting.. After You are logged into you character Press the "Home" key to open up the L2Walker Hidden Screen only you control. And Config L2Walker To as you wish, but dont make things go so fast, as in (Be Careful if you are a mage and you have Rez, dont Auto Rez on the sight of party members death all the time. Set a interval so it waits to rez like 1 minute or so you get what im coming about.... if you have Config Questions i will be posting a Guide for Noobs on how to setup walker if this makes it to confirmed Guides.

This Guide Was Made by Me it took me 34 minutes to type all this and 10 minutes to proof read my Guide to insure its Efficiency. and make sure i had no typos to result in any problems.

Everything i stated in this Guide is What i have my Walkers OOG and IG setup to be and they are working fine. Leave my IG Walker on all night to level me up and it works.. Thanks...

Good luck to all.

L2 Walker OOG & IG (How to Setup for Noobs) (2025)
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