Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (2025)

Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (1)
This is a tier list of the best Monsters to hatch in Monster Hunter Stories (MH Stories). Read on for a Monsters tier list, including explanations and the criteria why they are the best Monsters!

Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (2) Attention! This page only has information up until Yian Garuga. Please stay tuned for the latest tier updates with more Monsters!

List of Contents

  • Best Monsters Tier List
  • Tier List Explanation
  • Tier List Criteria
  • Related Guides

Best Monsters Tier List

Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (3)Tier

Yian Garuga Brute Tigrex Ratha Qurupeco

Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (8)Tier

Uragaan Gravios Pink Rathian Tigrex
Kecha Wacha Black Diablos Shrouded Nerscylla Purple Ludroth

Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (17)Tier

Rathian Red Khezu Diablos Barroth
Zamtrios Royal Ludroth Blue Yian Kut-Ku Basarios

Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (26)Tier

Cephadrome Gypceros Khezu Yian Kut-Ku
Lagombi Arzuros - -

Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (33)Tier

Bulldrome Great Jaggi Gendrome Velocidrome
Iodrome Apceros Popo Aptonoth

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While trying our best to base around objectivity for this tier list, there is still bound to be subjectivity in the tier list. To further improve the list, please share your thoughts in the comment section!

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Tier List Explanation


Monsters Reasons for Ranking
Yian Garuga ・One of the best Technical attackers.
・High damage and outspeeds most encounters.
・Makes full use of the poison status with Poison Tail and Poison Chaser.
・Has the Fly rider ability and is a fast mount.
Brute Tigrex ・Boasts high damage capabilities.
・Has access to Savage Roar, which can trivialize the Agnaktor fight.
・Flexible enough to build Thunder and Ice elements.
Ratha ・Earliest Monstie you can get that has Fly.
・Can carry you until High Rank as Ratha is essentially a Rathalos.
・High innate Fire damage.
Qurupeco ・Has the Monster Call rider ability, allowing you to get more Monsters.
・Possesses the best healing skills and genes.


Monsters Reasons for Ranking
Uragaan ・One of the best tanks.
・Quick Blast activation with Megaton Stomp.
・Suffers from poor damage.
Gravios ・High Defense and HP.
・Deals out decent damage with Spreading Beam.
・Suffers from low speed
Pink Rathian ・Best Fire Monstie in the early game.
・Has access to Spread Fire Breath.
・Decent Speed attacker.
Tigrex ・Solid Power attacker with high damage.
・Overshadowed by Brute Tigrex.
・Inaccurate with Stampede.
Kecha Wacha ・Can channel Spitball, a strong water attack.
・Fast Technical Attacker.
Black Diablos ・Boasts the highest damage at this stage of the game.
・One of the most frail Monsters.
・Proper usage of Merciless Horn is required.
Shrouded Nerscylla ・Technical Attacker with high bulk and damage.
・Access to Sleep Needle and Sleep Chaser, a synergistic combo.
Purple Ludroth ・Power Attacker with decent bulk and damage.
・Can channel Poison Spit, a water attack that can poison.


Monsters Reasons for Ranking
Rathian ・Average Fire Monstie.
・More reliable with poison, so it needs Poison Chaser for maximum damage.
・Can channel Poison Spike, a solid speed move that can inflict poison.
Red Khezu ・Strong Thunder Monstie.
・Can channel Savage Thunder Breath, a consistent Thunder move.
Diablos ・Solid Power Attacker, but is slow.
・Can channel Power Charge, a move that buffs attack.
Barroth ・Early tank Monstie.
・Can channel Mud Throw, a water attack that can inflict Skillseal.
Zamtrios ・Best early game Ice Monstie.
・Can channel Spread Ice Breath, one of the strongest Ice skills early on.
Royal Ludroth ・Water Monstie with no early Water attacks.
・Water Soak can strengthen your other Thunder Monsters.
Blue Yian Kut-Ku ・Can channel Blazeball, a solid Fire skill that can inflict burn.
・Decent Technical attacker.
Basarios ・Average Monstie overall.
・Rock Shield is situational to purely physical attackers.


Monsters Reasons for Ranking
Cephadrome ・Decent Tank with high evasion skills and blinds.
・Subpar damage.
Gypceros ・Can channel Flash, a blind that targets all enemies.
・Outshined by Rathian as a poison Monstie.
Khezu ・Can channel Roar, which can be used to set up criticals or obtain specific Monsters.
・No access to early Thunder moves, unlike Red Khezu.
Yian Kut-Ku ・First Fire Monstie with decent speed but subpar damage.
・Outshined by Blue Yian Kut-ku with Blazeball.
Lagombi ・An upgrade to Arzuros in terms of damage and element.
・Gives good Ice Element genes.
Arzuros ・Non-Elem Power Attacker.
・Decent regeneration with Honey skills.


Monsters Reasons for Ranking
Bulldrome ・Boasts high damage with okay speed.
・Dies in only 1-2 hits.
Great Jaggi ・Solid coverage of all attack types and has quick levels.
・Weak stats across the board
Gendrome ・High speed and access to paralysis.
・Weak stats across the board.
Velocidrome ・High speed and Critical genes.
・Weak stats across the board.
Iodrome ・High speed and poison capabilities, but outshined by Rathian
・Weak stats across the board.
Apceros ・Best herbivore out of the three
・Herbivore = low combat stats centered around defense and healing.
Popo ・First tank accessible.
・Herbivore = low combat stats centered around defense and healing.
Aptonoth ・First power attacker and healer.
・Herbivore = low combat stats centered around defense and healing.

Tier List Criteria

Monstie Tier Criteria
Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (76) S Tier The Monsters included here are the cream of the crop. They have some of the best stats, skills, and genes that round them all out, essentially securing the playthrough!
Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (77) A Tier The Monsters in A-tier are some of the stronger Monsters available. They have some of the better stats, skills, and genes available in the game.
Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (78) B Tier The Monsters can be strong with proper set-up and cover only some niches. Most of the Monsters here are used as fodder for solid genes.
Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (79) C Tier The Monsters included here are decent but are hard to set up properly. Also, what they accomplish, some Monsters do better.
Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (80) D Tier The Monsters here are only useful in the early game as they quickly fall off in stats, skills, and genes.

Monster Hunter Stories Related Guides

Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (81)

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Monster Hunter Stories Best Monsters Tier List|Game8 (2025)
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